JONASIE FABER Jonasie Faber was born in Greenland, on October I, 1944. He spent his youth in a number of villages in Southern Greenland. At an early age his family relocated to Denmark. Very restless at 15 he followed his heart to the sea on a square rigger "George Stage". He spent the next several years at sea and eventually earned credentials as a Deep Sea Navigator through the Danish Navel Academy. He became a harbor master in Greenland. After two years he set out again - seeking new adventure. He arrived in British Columbia in 1974and established an art business. He soon discovered that not only did he have an eye for fine art but was capable of creating it too. Needing soapstone he went prospecting and established several claims from where he harvested his stone. He is an inveterate traveler and spends most of his time between Washington, California, and British Columbia, where he runs Art School for Natives in Lytton -Siska. Jonasie Faber is one of the most prominent Eskimo artists from Greenland. He had shows in Greenland, Edmonton, Vancouver , San Francisco, Los Angeles, Washington, D.C., Germany, France, etc. He has also worked with UNESCO in Paris, France, and his sculpture features in many important collections worldwide: Government of Greenland Collection, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Royal Danish Family Collection, and many others. Jonasie's sculptural style is rooted in a love of naturalism and an interest in both wildlife and the spirit world, but has incorporated a love of the flamboyant, the dramatic expression, and the decorative. He has experimented with many different types of stone he came across on his numerous journeys, but his carving method and tools remained traditional. Updated Sept 2002 |