Born:  February 25, 1964       Male       E6-1080
       Place of Birth:  Nunatak, Baffin Island
       Resides:  Pangnirtung
       Drawings, Prints, Printmaking
            " The drawings I do are for the people who suffered and who struggled for
       their lives--for food and clothing.  What strength was used by our            
       great-grandfathers in their livelihood.  That is what I show in my drawings.  
       I put some feeling into them.  I make an adventure and share my art with the  
       people of any country who love my art.  I make designs on paper."             
                                                             Andrew Karpik 1984      
                                                             Pangnirtung Print       
       1978, 1979, 1980, 1983, 1984,           Pangnirtung Print Collection
       1985, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1992,          (annual collection)                               
       1993, 1994, 1995                                 (illustrated catalogue)
       July - August 1981             Eskimo Games: Graphics and Sculpture/
                                                   Giuochi Eschimesi: grafiche e sculture            
                                                   National Gallery of Modern Art                    
                                                   Rome, Italy
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       February - March 1983     Return of the Birds
                                                   Inuit Gallery of Vancouver                        
                                                   Vancouver, British Columbia
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       September 1983               The Way We Were - Traditional Eskimo Life
                                                   Snow Goose Associates                             
                                                   Seattle, Washington, USA

       1985, 1986, 1992, 1995  Pangnirtung Print Collection (printmaker)
                                                   (annual collection)                               
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       Dec 1987 - Feb 1988       Inuk, Inuit: Art et tradition chez les
                                                   esquimaux d'hier et d'aujourd'hui                 
                                                   presented by L'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai,         
                                                   at Musee des Beaux-arts d'Arras                   
                                                   Arras, France
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       March - April 1988             Works on Paper from the Permanent
                                                   Collection of Inuit Art                           
                                                   Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec                   
                                                   Montreal, Quebec
       Jan - Sept 1990                Arctic Mirror
                                                   Canadian Museum of Civilization                   
                                                   Hull, Quebec
       January - March 1992       Images of Influence:  Contemporary Inuit Art
                                                   Surrey Art Gallery                                
                                                   Surrey, British Columbia
       Dec 1992 - May 1993       Inuit Art: Tradition and Regeneration
                                                   Canadian Museum of Civilization                   
                                                   Hull, Quebec
       July 1994                            Arctic Spirit
                                                   35 Years of Canadian Inuit Art                    
                                                   Frye Art Museum                                   
                                                   Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.
       May - September 1995     Keeping Our Stories Alive:
                                                   An Exhibition of the Art and Crafts               
                                                   from Dene and Inuit of Canada                     
                                                   Institute of American Indian Arts Museum          
                                                   Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A.
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       Aug - Sept 1995                Iliqqusivut: Inuit Spirit of the Arctic
                                                   Canadian National Exhibition                      
                                                   Toronto, Ontario, Canada
       Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, Montreal, Quebec      
       Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec     
       Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City, Michigan, U.S.A.   
       National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario  
       Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories  
       University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta 
       University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta  
       1989     Travelled to Ottawa to meet with the Board of Directors of the Inuit Art
                Foundation, in December.
       Gautsche, Nancy                                   
           INUIT ART:  TRADITION AND REGENERATION:  At the Canadian Museum
           of Civilization, Hull, Quebec, December 17 to May 2 1993.  Inuit
           Art Quarterly, Vol. 8, No.2, 1993, pp.28-31.
       Institute of American Indian Arts Museum          
           KEEPING OUR STORIES ALIVE:  An Exhibition of Art and Crafts from
           Dene and Inuit of Canada.  Santa Fe, N.M.: Institute of American
           Native Arts Museum, 1995.

  (c) Inuit Art Section, INAC 1995