OQUTAQ MIKKIGAK (OHOTOK; OHUQTAQ) Born: 1936 Male E7-1009 Resides: Cape Dorset Sculpture, Drawings, Prints Oqutaq's wife Qaunaq, and his brother Pee are also well known Cape Dorset artists. EXHIBITIONS: 1961 Cape Dorset Graphics (annual collection) (illustrated catalogue) May - June 1969 Eskimo Sculpture '69 Robertson Galleries Ottawa, Ontario (illustrated catalogue) 1970 Graphic Art by Eskimos of Canada: Second Collection Cultural Affairs Division, Department of External Affairs, Canada Ottawa, Ontario (tour) (illustrated catalogue) April 1971 Canadian Eskimo Sculpture Canadian Embassy Washington, D.C., U.S.A. April - June 1980 The Abbott Collection of Inuit Art Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg, Manitoba (catalogue) Sep - Oct 1981 The Jacqui and Morris Shumiatcher Collection of Inuit Art Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, University of Regina Regina, Saskatchewan (illustrated catalogue) December 1987 Cape Dorset Sculpture Eskimo Art Inc. Ann Arbor, Michigan, U.S.A. January - April 1989 Cape Dorset Printmaking 1959-1989 McMichael Canadian Collection Kleinburg, Ontario May - June 1994 Cape Dorset Revisited - a collection of previously unreleased prints, exhibited at selected commercial galleries, organized by West Baffin Eskimo Co-op Cape Dorset, Northwest Territories May 1994 - July 1995 Cape Dorset Revisited McMichael Canadian Art Collection Kleinburg, Ontario (illustrated catalogue) COLLECTIONS: Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City, Michigan, U.S.A. Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta Klamer Family Collection, Art Gallery of Ontario, Toronto, Ontario McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba SELECTED REFERENCES: URGENT PROBLEMS DISCUSSED BY ARTISTS: [An abbreviated transcript of discussions between directors and staff of the Inuit Art Foundation and recipients of Vermont..Studio scholarships]. Inuit Art Quarterly: Vol. 8, No.3, Fall 1993, pp. 24-33. Gustavison, Susan J. ARCTIC EXPRESSIONS: INUIT ART AND THE CANADIAN ESKIMO ARTS COUNCIL 1961 - 1989. Kleinburg, Ont.: McMichael Canadian Art Collection, 1994. Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery THE JACQUI AND MORRIS SHUMIATCHER COLLECTION OF INUIT ART. Regina: The Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery, 1981. (c) Inuit Art Section, INAC 1995 |