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       Born:  November, 1911       Male       E6-351
       Died:  1982
       Resided:  Pangnirtung
       Drawings, Prints, Sculpture, Tapestries
       May - June 1969               Eskimo Sculpture '69
                                                   Robertson Galleries                               
                                                   Ottawa, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       1973, 1977, 1979,            Pangnirtung Print Collection
       1980, 1983, 1984,            (annual collection)                               
       1985                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       April 1973                           First Collection of Prints from Pangnirtung
                                                   The Innuit Gallery of Eskimo Art                  
                                                   Toronto, Ontario
       Jan 1977 - June 1982      The Inuit Print/L'estampe inuit
                                                   Department of Indian Affairs and                  
                                                   Northern Development and the                      
                                                   National Museum of Man                            
                                                   Ottawa, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       August 1978                      Inuit Games and Contests: The Clifford E.
                                                   Lee Collection of Prints                          
                                                   University of Alberta                             
                                                   Edmonton, Alberta
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       November - Dec 1978       Polar Vision: Canadian Eskimo Graphics
                                                   Jerusalem Artists' House Museum                   
                                                   Jerusalem, Israel
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       July 1979 - May 1980       Inuit Art in the 1970s
                                                   Department of Indian Affairs                      
                                                   and Northern Development, and the                 
                                                   Agnes Etherington Art Centre                      
                                                   Kingston, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       January - Feb 1980          Inuit Master Artists of the 1970s
                                                   Inuit Gallery of Vancouver                        
                                                   Vancouver, British Columbia
       April 1980                          Whalebone Carvings and Inuit Prints
                                                   Memorial University of Newfoundland               
                                                   Art Gallery                                       
                                                   St. John's, Newfoundland
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       February - March 1983     Return of the Birds
                                                   Inuit Gallery of Vancouver                        
                                                   Vancouver, British Columbia
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       Nov 1983 - Jan 1984        Inuit Art at Rideau Hall
                                                   Presented by Indian Affairs and Northern          
                                                   Ottawa, Ontario
       Feb 1984 - Jun 1986        Arctic Vision: Art of the Canadian Inuit
                                                   Department of Indian Affairs and                  
                                                   Northern Development and Canadian                 
                                                   Arctic Producers                                  
                                                   Ottawa, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       March - April 1984            Pangnirtung Woven Tapestries
                                                   The Upstairs Gallery                              
                                                   Winnipeg, Manitoba
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       April 1984                          Games of the Inuit
                                                   Northern Images                                   
                                                   Yellowknife, Northwest Territories
       Nov - Dec 1984                 50 Inuit Prints
                                                   Canadian Arctic Producers in                      
                                                   coordination with the Hudson's Bay                
                                                   Company Inuit Art Marketing Service,              
                                                   held at Simpson's                                 
                                                   Toronto, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated brochure)

       July 1986                            Pangnirtung Print Retrospective: 1973-1986
                                                   Organized by Pangnirtung Eskimo Co-operative      
                                                   Limited, Pangnirtung, at Inuit Gallery of         
                                                   Vancouver, British Columbia
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       July - Nov 1987                  Useful Bits of Bone
                                                   Winnipeg Art Gallery                              
                                                   Winnipeg, Manitoba
       Dec 1988 - 1989                Im Schatten der Sonne:Zeitgenossische Kunst
                                                   der Indianer und Eskimos in Kanada/In the         
                                                   Shadow of the Sun:Contemporary Indian and Inuit   
                                                   Art in Canada                                     
                                                   Canadian Museum of Civilization                   
                                                   Ottawa, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       August - Oct 1989             Inuit Graphic Art from Indian
                                                   & Northern Affairs Canada                         
                                                   Winnipeg Art Gallery                              
                                                   Winnipeg, Manitoba
       January - Sept 1990         Arctic Mirror
                                                   Canadian Museum of Civilization                   
                                                   Hull, Quebec
       June 1995 - Feb 1996      Inuit Woman: Life and Legend in Art
                                                   Winnipeg Art Gallery                              
                                                   Winnipeg, Manitoba
       March - April 1996            Works on Paper from the Permanent
                                                   Collection of Inuit Art                           
                                                   Canadian Guild of Craft Quebec                    
                                                   Montreal, Quebec

       Amon Carter Museum of Western Art, Fort Worth, Texas, U.S.A.    
       Art Gallery, Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's, Newfoundland      
       Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, Montreal, Quebec       
       Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec          
       Clifford E. Lee Collection, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta      
       Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City, Michigan, U.S.A.   
       Denver Art Museum, Denver, Colorado, U.S.A.         
       Edmonton Art Gallery, Edmonton, Alberta    
       McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario      
       Mendel Art Gallery, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan    
       National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario     
       Prince of Wales Northern Heritage Centre, Yellowknife, Northwest Territories        
       University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta              
       Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba   
           IM SCHATTEN DER SONNE:  Zeitgenoessische Kunst der Indianer und
           Eskimos in Kanada. [In the Shadow of the Sun: Contemporary Art
           of the Indians and Eskimos in Canada].  Stuttgart: Edition
           Cantz.  Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1988.
       Collinson, Helen                                  
           INUIT GAMES AND CONTESTS:  The Clifford E. Lee Collection of
           Prints.  Edmonton: The University of Alberta Collections, 1978.
       Lipton, Barbara                                   
           ARCTIC VISION:  Art of the Canadian Inuit.  Ottawa : Canadian
           Arctic Producers, 1984.
       National Museum of Man                            
           THE INUIT PRINT = L'ESTAMPE INUIT:  A Travelling Exhibition... =
           Une exposition itinerante...  Ottawa: National Museum of Man,
           National Museums of Canada, 1977.
       Pangnirtung Eskimo Co-operative                   
           PANGNIRTUNG PRINT RETROSPECTIVE: 1973-1986.  Pangnirtung:
           Pangnirtung Eskimo Co-operative, 1986.

         Pioneer Woman - Na'amat Organization of Canada    
           POLAR VISION:  Canadian Eskimo Graphics from the Margaret P.
           Hess Collection, Calgary, Alberta, Canada.  Jerusalem: Jerusalem
           Artists' House Museum, 1978.

        (c) Inuit Art Section, INAC 1995