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                                 JOSIE P.; PUPPY)
       Born:  1918     Deceased:  1996    Male       E9-861
       Place of Birth:  near Issuksiuvit Lake
       Resides:  Puvirnituq
       Sculpture, Drawings, Prints
       Josie Pamiutu Papialuk, known also as "Josie Paperk" or simply "Puppy," was   
       born in 1918 near Issuksiuvit Lake, just inland from Povungnituk.  After the  
       death of his wife Martha in 1975, he continued to live there with his only    
       surviving son.  Josie is a very jovial man, regarded in the community as an   
       eccentric joker.  His art is indicative of a special kind of genius: it       
       reveals both his profound sense of observation and a keen insight.            
       Josie produces both carvings and prints.  He was one of the first Povungnituk 
       artists to become involved in printmaking in the early 1960s.  Initially, he  
       produced small, whimsical soapstone carvings of birds, fish and human heads.  
       Many elements of Josie's unique style are already apparent in some of his     
       early carvings: scratched footprints to indicate past or future directions,   
       and captions to explain the action.                                           
       In both his carvings and prints, Josie employs undulating lines to depict such
       invisible phenomena as wind, voices or bird chatter.  In the introduction to  
       the 1983 catalogue JOSIE PAPERK, Marion Scott remarked that "[Josie] has been 
       able to capture in a gentle, philosophical and sometimes humorous way, the    
       very essence of existence."1  George Swinton described his work as "naive     
       realism," a style which to this day remains puzzling to most Inuit artists.   
       Unlike many artists who might attempt to disguise a flaw in the stone, Josie  
       often directs attention to it by carving a circle around it.  This attitude   
       towards maintaining and, to a certain extent, exploiting the integrity of the 
       materials used is shared by many contemporary southern artists.               
       Josie's inclination towards whimsy does not cloud his artistic judgement. When
       asked why he sometimes puts only one leg on his birds, Josie answered "I put  
       the second leg on when I need the extra money."2                              
       Josie's work has been exhibited in several important exhibitions since 1962.  
       His brother, is artist Isah Papialuk.                                         
       1  Marion Scott, JOSIE PAPERK, (Vancouver: Marion Scott Galleries), 1983.     
       2  G. Mainprize and P. Brooks, Interview with the artist, Povungnituk,        
       September 1981.                                                               
       1962, 1964, 1965, 1966, 1968,           Povungnituk Print Collection
       1970, 1972, 1973, 1975, 1976,           (annual collection)                               
       1977, 1978, 1980, 1982, 1983,           (illustrated catalogue)
       1984, 1985, 1986, 1987, 1989  
       1967                                   Eskimo Sculpture
                                                   Winnipeg Art Gallery                              
                                                   presented at the Manitoba Legislative             
                                                   Winnipeg, Manitoba
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       1971                                   Sculpture in Miniature
                                                   Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec                   
                                                   Montreal, Quebec
       Sep - Oct 1971                  Eskimo Carvings and Prints from the
                                                   Collection of York University                     
                                                   Art Gallery of York University                    
                                                   Downsview, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       1974                                   Arctic Quebec Print Collection
                                                   (annual collection)                               
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       1974                                   Arctic Quebec Print Collection II
                                                   (annual collection)                               
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       February - March 1976     Eskimo Art From Povungnituk
                                                   Snow Goose Associates                             
                                                   Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

       Jan 1977 - Jun 1982         The Inuit Print/L'estampe inuit
                                                   Department of Indian Affairs and                  
                                                   Northern Development and the                      
                                                   National Museum of Man                            
                                                   Ottawa, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       Dec 1977 - Feb 1978       Povungnituk
                                                   Winnipeg Art Gallery                              
                                                   Winnipeg, Manitoba
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       Nov - Dec 1978                 Polar Vision: Canadian Eskimo Graphics
                                                   Jerusalem Artists' House Museum                   
                                                   Jerusalem, Israel
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       Sep 1980 - Feb 1981       Things Made by Inuit
                                                   La Federation des Cooperatives du                 
                                                   Montreal, Quebec
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       1981                                   Povungnituk Sculpture
                                                   Raven Gallery                                     
                                                   Minneapolis, Minnesota, U.S.A.
       Apr 1981 - Mar 1982         Inuit Art: A Selection of Inuit Art from
                                                   the Collection of the National Museum of          
                                                   Man, Ottawa, and the Rothmans Permanent           
                                                   Collection of Inuit Sculpture, Canada             
                                                   National Museum of Man, Ottawa and                
                                                   Rothmans of Pall Mall Canada Ltd.                 
                                                   Toronto, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)

       Feb - Aug 1982                 Les Inuit du Nouveau-Quebec
                                                   Musee du Quebec                                   
                                                   Quebec, Quebec
                                                   (illustrated brochure)
       1983                                    [Inuit Art]
                                                   North of Sixty Art                                
                                                   St. Andrews, New Brunswick
       Feb - Mar 1983                 Return of the Birds
                                                   Inuit Gallery of Vancouver                        
                                                   Vancouver, British Columbia
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       Sep - Oct 1983                  Inuit Survival
                                                   Enook Galleries, Waterloo, Ontario                
                                                   Presented at the University of Waterloo           
                                                   Art Gallery                                       
                                                   Waterloo, Ontario
       Nov 1983 - Jan 1984        Inuit Art at Rideau Hall
                                                   Presented by Indian Affairs and Northern          
                                                   Ottawa, Ontario
       Nov 1983 - Mar 1985       Contemporary Indian and Inuit Art of Canada
                                                   Department of Indian Affairs and Northern         
                                                   Development, Ottawa, presented at the             
                                                   General Assembly Building, United Nations         
                                                   New York, New York, U.S.A.
                                                   (illustrated brochure)
       December 1984               Takamit - Canadian Eskimo Art: Selections
                                                   from Private Collections and the Government of Canada 
                                                   Organized by La Federation des Cooperatives    
                                                   du Nouveau-Quebec and the Jane Voorhees      
                                                   Zimmerli Art Museum, Rutgers University           
                                                   New Brunswick, New Jersey, U.S.A.
                                                   (illustrated brochure)

       June 1985                          Alaska Eskimo Dolls/Inuit Prints
                                                   Provincial Museum of Alberta,                     
                                                   sponsored by the Alaska State                     
                                                   Council on the Arts                               
                                                   Edmonton, Alberta
       Jun 1985 - Sep 1987        Chisel and Brush/Le ciseau et la brosse
                                                   Department of Indian Affairs                      
                                                   and Northern Development                          
                                                   Ottawa, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       August 1986                      Arctic Quebec Sculpture
                                                   Inuit Gallery of Vancouver                        
                                                   Vancouver, British Columbia
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       Oct - Nov 1986                  The Art of the Eskimo
                                                   Newman Galleries                                  
                                                   Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
       November 1986                 Inuit Graphics Through the Year: Rare
                                                   Prints from the Arctic                            
                                                   Arctic Artistry                                   
                                                   Scarsdale, New York, U.S.A.
       May - June 1987                Inuit Graphics from the Past
                                                   Arctic Artistry                                   
                                                   Scarsdale, New York, U.S.A.
       September 1987              The Williamson Collection of Inuit Sculpture 
                                                   Norman Mackenzie Art Gallery,                     
                                                   University of Regina                              
                                                   Regina, Saskatchewan
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)

       Dec 1987 - Mar 1989       Contemporary Inuit Drawings
                                                   Macdonald Stewart Art Centre                      
                                                   Guelph, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       March - April 1988             Works on Paper from the Permanent
                                                   Collection of Inuit Art                           
                                                   Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec                   
                                                   Montreal, Quebec
       December 1988 - 1989    Im Schatten der Sonne:Zeitgenossische Kunst
                                                   der Indianer und Eskimos in Kanada/In the         
                                                   Shadow of the Sun:Contemporary Indian and Inuit   
                                                   Art in Canada                                     
                                                   Canadian Museum of Civilization                   
                                                   Ottawa, Ontario
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       March - April 1989            [L'art inuit]
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Palais de l'Europe, le Touquet                 
       August 1989                      Art Inuit, la Sculpture des Esquimaux du Canada 
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Chapelle de la Visitation,                     
       October 1989                    Art Inuit, Sculpture des Esquimaux du Canada
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Galerie La Poutre, Marseille                   
       December 1989                Art Inuit, la Sculpture des Esquimaux du Canada
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Les Chiroux, Centre Culturel de la Wallonie,   

       January 1990                     Art Inuit, la Sculpture des Esquimaux du Canada
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Centre d'Action Culturelle du Bassin           
                                                   Houllier, Lorrain, Saint Avold                    
       Jan - Sep 1990                  Arctic Mirror
                                                   Canadian Museum of Civilization                   
                                                   Hull, Quebec
       February - March 1990     Beeldhouwkunst van de Inuit (Canada)
                                                   by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai, France            
                                                   at Amphora Finippon pvba, Sint Andries,           
                                                   Brugge, Belgium                                   
       March 1990                        Art Inuit, l'Art des Esquimaux du Canada
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Maison Falleur, Cambrai                        
       April 1990                          Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Palais de l'Europe                             
                                                   Le Touquet, France
       June - September 1990   Inuit Graphics and Drawings from 1959-1990
                                                   Arctic Artistry                                   
                                                   Hastings-on-Hudson, New York, U.S.A.
       July 1990                            Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Thonon les Bains                               
       Nov - Dec 1990                 Art Inuit:  Autour de la Collection de Cape Dorset 1990 
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Centre Culturel Canadien                       
                                                   Paris, France

       February - April 1991       Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Galerie Humbert                                
                                                   Nantes, France
       March - April 1991            Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Le Theatre                                     
                                                   La Ciotat, France
       April - June 1991              Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Galerie La Tour des Cardinaux                  
                                                   L'Isle sur la Sorgue, France
       May - June 1991               Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at La Halle aux Bles                              
                                                   Saint Malo, France
       June - July 1991                Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Galerie Ombre et Lumiere                       
                                                   Ensisheim, France
       June - August 1991           Aux frontieres de l'imaginaire inuit
                                                   Galerie du Trait-Carre                            
                                                   Charlesbourg, Quebec
                                                   (illustrated brochure)
       July 1991                            Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Chapelle de la Visitation                      
                                                   Thonon, France
       July - August 1991            Glaciopolis:  Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Maison de Pesey                                
                                                   Les Arcs, France

      Aug - Sep 1991                 Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Galerie Akenaton                               
                                                   Troyes, France
       Oct - Dec 1991                 Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Galerie Maite Aubert                           
                                                   Le Havre, France
       Oct - Dec 1991                  Estampes Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Galerie Christiane Flament                     
                                                   Paris, France
       Nov - Dec 1991                 Art Inuit:  Autour de la Collection de Cape
                                                   Dorset 1991                                       
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Le Colombier                                   
                                                   Ville D'Avray, France
       February 1992                   Prints from Povungnituk 1962-1988
                                                   Albers Gallery of Inuit Art                       
                                                   San Francisco, California, U.S.A.
       February - April 1992       Art Inuit
                                                   Presented by l'Iglou Art Esquimau, Douai          
                                                   at Galerie Montador                               
                                                   Dieppe, France
       Nov 1993 - Jan 1994        Contemporary Inuit Drawings
                                                   Muscarelle Museum of Art                          
                                                   College of William and Mary                       
                                                   Williamsburg, Virginia, U.S.A.
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       July 1994                            Arctic Spirit
                                                   35 Years of Canadian Inuit Art                    
                                                   Frye Art Museum                                   
                                                   Seattle, Washington, U.S.A.

       Sep - Oct 1994                  Kunst van de Inuit Eskimo's
                                                   Gemeentelijk Kunstcentrum                         
                                                   Huis Hellemans                                    
                                                   Edegem, Belgium
                                                   (illustrated brochure)
       March - April 1996             Works on Paper from the Permanent
                                                   Collection of Inuit Art                           
                                                   Canadian Guild of Craft Quebec                    
                                                   Montreal, Quebec
       February 1980                  Josie Papialuk: Print Retrospective with Carvings 
                                                   Inuit Gallery of Vancouver                        
                                                   Vancouver, British Columbia
       October 1983                    Josie Paperk
                                                   Marion Scott Gallery                              
                                                   Vancouver, British Columbia
                                                   (illustrated catalogue)
       Sep - Oct 1984                 Josie Papialook - Drawings and Carvings
                                                   Houston North Gallery                             
                                                   Lunenburg, Nova Scotia
       June 1985                          Original Drawings by Josie Papialuk
                                                   The Guild Shop                                    
                                                   Toronto, Ontario
       Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, Halifax, Nova Scotia     
       Art Gallery of York University, Downsview, Ontario 
       Avataq Cultural Institute, Montreal, Quebec    
       Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, Montreal, Quebec 
       Canadian Museum of Civilization, Hull, Quebec   
       Confederation des caisses populaires et d'economie Desjardins, Levis, Quebec 
       Dennos Museum Center, Northwestern Michigan College, Traverse City, Michigan, U.S.A. 
       Eskimo Museum, Churchill, Manitoba
       Glenbow Museum, Calgary, Alberta 
       Macdonald Stewart Art Centre, Guelph, Ontario
       McMichael Canadian Art Collection, Kleinburg, Ontario 
       Ministere des affaires culturelles du Quebec, Quebec City, Quebec 
       Musee de la civilisation, Quebec City, Quebec
       Musee des beaux-arts de Montreal, Montreal, Quebec 
       Musee du Quebec, Quebec City, Quebec
       Museum of Anthropology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, British Columbia
       National Gallery of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario 
       Red Deer College, Red Deer, Alberta 
       Saputik Museum, Povungnituk, Quebec 
       University of Lethbridge Art Gallery, Lethbridge, Alberta 
       Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba
       York University, Toronto, Ontario
       1978     The artist contributed several prints which were used in the 1978 Puvirnituq
       1979     A single print by the artist appears in the 1979 Puvirnituq calendar.
       1985     Attended the opening of his exhibition 'Original Drawings' in Toronto.
           ARTS OF THE ESKIMO: PRINTS:  /Ed. by Ernst Roch. Texts by
           Patrick Furneaux and Leo Rosshandler.  Montreal: Signum Press in
           association with Oxford University Press, Toronto, 1974.

           IM SCHATTEN DER SONNE:  Zeitgenoessische Kunst der Indianer und
           Eskimos in Kanada. [In the Shadow of the Sun: Contemporary Art
           of the Indians and Eskimos in Canada].  Stuttgart: Edition
           Cantz.  Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Civilization, 1988.
           INUIT ART:  An Anthology.  Winnipeg: Watson & Dwyer Publishing
           Ltd, 1988.
       Barz, Sandra B., ed.                              
           Arts & Culture of the North, 1990.
       CEAC [Canadian Eskimo Arts Council]               
           Marybelle Myers, translation by Aliva(sic.) Tulugak, April 28,
           1985 in Povungnituk, Arctic Quebec.  Ottawa : Canadian Eskimo
           Arts Council in collaboration with the Inuit Art Section, INAC,
           and the National Film Board of Canada, 1985.
       Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec                   
           D'ART QUEBEC:  The Permanent Collection: Inuit Arts and Crafts,
           c. 1900-1980.  Montreal:  Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec, 1980.
       Jackson, Marion E.                                
           CONTEMPORARY INUIT DRAWINGS.  Guelph, Ontario: Macdonald Stewart
           Art Centre, 1987.
       Marion Scott Gallery                              
           JOSIE PAPERK.  Vancouver, B.C. : Marion Scott Gallery, 1983.
       Mitchell, Marybelle                               
           JOSIE PAPIALOOK.  The Beaver, Summer, 1982. pp.22-29.
       Muscarelle Museum of Art (Williamsburg)           
           CONTEMPORARY INUIT DRAWINGS:  The gift collection of Frederick
           and Lucy S. Herman.  Williamsburg, Va.:  The College of William
           and Mary in Virginia, 1993.

       SELECTED REFERENCES:  (continued)
       Noel, Michel                                      
           NUNAVIMIUT: ART INUIT = INUIT ART.  Pointe-Claire, Quebec:
           Roussan en collaboration avec l'Institut cultural AVATAQ, 1992
           (Collection LE TAMBOUR).
       Saucier, Celine                                   
           IMAGE INUIT DU NOUVEAU-QUEBEC:  By Celine Saucier and Eugene
           Kedl.  Quebec: Musee de la Civilisation, 1988.
       Swinton, George                                   
           ESKIMO SCULPTURE. = SCULPTURE ESQUIMAUDE.  Toronto:  McClelland
           and Stewart, 1965.
       Swinton, George                                   
           SCULPTURE OF THE ESKIMO.  Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1972.
       Winnipeg Art Gallery                              
           ESKIMO SCULPTURE.  Winnipeg: The Winnipeg Art Gallery, 1967.

      (c) Inuit Art Section, INAC 1995