PUDLALIK SHAA Born: December 29, 1965 Male E7-1906 Resides: Cape Dorset Sculpture Pudlalik's parents, Aqjangajuk and Kilabuk Shaa, are Cape Dorset artists. Aqjangajuk is a renowned sculptor. Pudlalik's brother Qiatsuq is also a carver, as was his brother Qavavau, who died in 1991. He was influenced by his father's work. " I watched him as he carved, he taught me. I did my first carving when I was twelve years old. It was a small seal, since then I've been carving, not all the time, but whenever I felt up to it." from an interview with the Inuit Art Section Nov. 1994 EXHIBITIONS: Nov - Dec 1992 Sculpture Inuit Canadian Guild of Crafts Quebec Montreal, Quebec February 1993 Kunstwerke der Inuit Presented by CreARTion, Eppstein in conjunction with the annual meeting of the Association of Canadian Studies at the Hotel am Badersee Grainau, Germany April - July 1993 Multiple Realities: Inuit Images of Shamanic Transformation Winnipeg Art Gallery Winnipeg, Manitoba (illustrated brochure) June - July 1993 The Next Generation--Inuit Sculpture Gallery Indigena Stratford, Ontario March - April 1994 Wildlife and Nature in Art Arctic Experience Hamilton, Ontario April - June 1994 The Shaa Family: Axangayu Shaa, Qiatsuq Shaa, Pudlalik Shaa Albers Gallery of Inuit Art San Francisco, California, U.S.A. August - October 1994 Inuit Art from the Canadian Arctic Bayly Art Museum University of Virginia Charlottesville, Virginia, U.S.A. May - September 1995 Keeping Our Stories Alive: An Exhibition of the Art and Crafts from Dene and Inuit of Canada Institute of American Indian Arts Museum Santa Fe, New Mexico, U.S.A. (illustrated catalogue) COLLECTIONS: Winnipeg Art Gallery, Winnipeg, Manitoba SELECTED REFERENCES: Institute of American Indian Arts Museum KEEPING OUR STORIES ALIVE: An Exhibition of Art and Crafts from Dene and Inuit of Canada. Santa Fe, N.M.: Institute of American Native Arts Museum, 1995. |