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       Born:  May 3, 1943       Female       E9-1743
       Place of Birth:  Inukjuak
       Resides:  Umiujaq; also lived in Quumiutaq, Kuujjuaraapik
       Sculpture, Crafts
       Lizzie Tookalook was born in Inukjuak and lived in Quumiutaq and Kuujjuaraapik
       before moving to the new community of Umiujaq in 1986.  She enjoys basket     
       making and carving but prefers the latter.  Lizzie carves seals and loons out 
       of stone. Lizzie also works part-time as a janitor for the Kativik School     
       Board and is a council member for the Women's Association.  Her husband is    
       Umiujaq sculptor Josie Tookalook.                                             

       March 1988                        Arctic Forms - Inuit Sculpture
                                                   Arctic Inuit Art Gallery                          
                                                   Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A.

     (c) Inuit Art Section, INAC 1995